The Beginning of the end of Coexistence Between Capitalism,Money and Democracy.

The talk of nationalist rivalry in European countries hardly diminishes without the mention of the Greco-Turkish duels. The above statement may stir our memories and thought in various ways; with a historian thinking of the Ottoman empire, the end of World War One and the Balkan Wars, a secessionist expert will think of the Greek Cypriot vs. Turkish Cypriot conflicts, a religion guru will talk of the Islamic Turkey vs. the Greek Orthodox Church and all the Euro economics experts will focus on Greece reception into the Euro zone and subsequent denial of entry to Turkey into the Euro Zone.

To the Greeks, all these polar ends between them and the Turks seem to be water under the bridge. In 2001, Greece was admitted into the Euro Zone, and then it went into deep sleep for a night that lasted for almost a decade. The poor Greeks woke up to already cooked trouble that was prepared while they were under the curse of the god of slumber. This ready for serving trouble was cooked under the guidance of a menu that has been responsible for the mixed fortunes of the economic health and wealth of the world. Wrong interpretation of the menu by the Euro zone’s chef de cuisine has led to the poisonous meal of government insolvency in the land of the great philosophers. Such cataclysmic result has forced a shift in hatred feelings among the Greeks. The Euro currency and Capitalism, it seems, will outpoll Turkey as Greece’s arch enemy.

The effort by the Euro zone to resuscitate the convulsing economy of Greece seems to be hitting a cul-de-sac. The member countries are either too tired of dealing with a hopelessly unsolvable problem or are of the imagination that the Greeks are archetypal Slovens. One would expect the citizens of this country to throw up arms in desperation. To the surprise of bourgeoisie-minded market players, commentators, speculators and spectators, the Greek government is thinking of allowing its population to have a say in its economy’s recuperation dosage prescription. The Greek nation still has some fragrance of courage that prospered the Athenians and the Spartans in the medieval times. The country is toying with the idea of voting on whether they will remain in the Euro zone or if they will seek divorce from the economic block. The part of the population thinks it is a high time they spend time on their own and try to bring themselves back to life.

This brings to the fore the question of whether capitalism and unified monetary market is going to survive its blunders. The European economies will be heavily affected should one of the Euro Zone members suffer a total economic collapse. The British voted and rejected the Euro, the Danes did the same and they were all the wiser. It is becoming harder for countries like Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Greece to determine their economic destiny while under the Euro Zone. Greece will have to endure the bitter bills supplied to it by Germany and France until they decide to leave the Euro Zone, a decision that is akin to being placed between the devil and the deep blue sea. Greece will need to pay its debts to the members of the Euro Zone and risks struggling to get admission back into the Zone, once it will be back on its feet. At the moment, France and Germany will shout orders at Greece and may forget to help it out. Chinua Achebe, in No Longer at Ease, prefers that one should chase the jackal first before scolding the hens for wandering in the bush. The jackal is still around, yet Germans and French prefer to scold Greece before chasing its woes.

The community say into the economy issues in Greece reminds us what the bearded Karl Marx said about capitalism, its decay and its replacement with people centered system. It will be surprising if capitalism will serve us effectively for the next half a century. America has turned to China to solve its financial woes, and the European zone is flirting with the idea of courting China to save Greece. The burden seems too cumbersome for the Euro Zone Patriarch that is Germany. If Karl Marx woke up and found all roads headed to the communist China, he would belch with an aha of satisfaction, and say, “look guys, I told you so”. Rumor has it China has decided to go the way of the gold and stopped investing in dollars. Are we drifting back to the archaic ways of doing things? Here we have batter trade replacing use of money as a means of legal tender and going back to socialist way of living, which is only indigenous to the way of life before urbanization came into being.

That capitalism has come under sharp focus can be not be gainsaid. Nothing bears it out better than the protests we are witnessing allover the world, since Mohammed Boazizi’s self-immolation in Tunisia. The Occupy Wall Street protestors are not relenting; other protests have happened across 900 other cities with a similitude to the OWS, to pass a point to the Shylocks of the world, the corporate influence on democracy and bad financial decisions which have plunged into an economic abyss. The protestors are demanding an end to the matrimonial resonance between capitalism and democracy, after which capitalism will be left vulnerable to attacks and be delivered into the hands of the angel of death. The protestors in New York are being accused of propagating anti Semitism. Such a reaction is highly expected because New York Stock Exchange and the Washington politics are laden with Zionism. While ancient people shied away from banking, the Jews saw no trouble with profit making business. But do I digress?

Now, people, we have a real cause to be concerned. Capitalism is under threat from those who say they are the 99%, which is true. The world is turning on its head in so many ways. The Greeks derided the Turks for being left out of the Euro Zone and now the Turks are having the last and longest laugh. Germany expelled Karl Marx for having radical communist ideas but they are busy pulling resources in bail out plans to build what capitalism (read Lehman Brothers, Wall Street and Far Right Americans) have helped to destroy. The Euro is doing harm to the zone members while East Africa is busy hustling to unify the currency. The French were correct to say that the more things change the more they remain the same.

That capitalism may be annihilated in future is an idea we cannot dismiss with a casual wave of the hand. It is a sad practical reality but the fact that is does more good than harm will not exonerate it from the wrath of the masses. The ire of the masses towards capitalism is analogous to a charged Catalonian bull, which will never spare anyone on the ground of being a vegetarian. What arouses curiosity is the system that can replace capitalism and democracy.

The scene has become one giant chess board whose chess masters’ hands are invisible, though we can only see the pawns moving here and there, in an attempt to capture and protect the Kings and Queens. Meanwhile, we should prepare dirges for the good old capitalism. We can do with the song that was dedicated to Marylyn Monroe;

‘It seems to me, you lived your life like a candle in the wind….never knowing whom to cling to when the rain sets in….’

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